So I was reading an article online earlier about this dating website, I’m sure some of you have heard about it as well – not because you’re on it mind. But because last month it was hit by a Shrek virus, which allowed anyone to join the site’s books, regardless of their looks.
Now, writing this blog is proving a challenge but I’m going to persevere because I think it’s so funny. My struggle lies with trying to produce something that is (or is at least intended to be) funnier than the articles that are already out there. But Greg Hodge, the managing director of BeautifulPeople, just keeps coming out with utter gems in the defence of his company. In a statement made just after the embarrassing debacle he stated that he felt:
“…very sorry for the unfortunate people who were wrongly admitted to the site and believed, albeit for a short time, that they were beautiful."
That’s not an apology.
That’s the aesthetic equivalent of saying “I’m sorry you feel that way…dogface.”
You have to admire him though. He clearly believes in his product and makes no bones about the potential offense that it can and does cause. And in all honesty, I think I’m inclined to agree. Essentially, if you have any doubt about your ‘beauty’, don’t apply to be on the website. You’re only going to be upset when the current crop of gorgeous gimps click the ‘absolutely not’ button and label you repulsive. See even that I like. The use of ‘absolutely’ completely condemns you to a life of ugly-dom. Why would you subject yourself to the risk?
You certainly don’t have any right to be aggrieved if you’re refused. There are countless comments at the bottom of each of the articles that I’ve read that denounce the site as being vacuous and superficial. Well duh… It’s called BeautifulPeople…! There are even comments about how beauty is on the inside and all that clichéd American schmaltz. Anyone taking it that seriously needs to grow a sense of humour and shut up.
One of the 30,000 people who got booted off the site had a particularly funny story to tell. Unfortunately for Rachel Godfrey, 31, from LA, she thought she had met the love of her life on the site…until she got removed. Now she plans to have a makeover and professional photo shoot before reapplying to the website. Failing that, she’s going to use Photoshop. Dedication to the cause.
Only in America, and particularly California, would something like this be created. But I think if anything it’s funny. At least Hodge acknowledges the existence of these undesirables. After all, “…we can’t just sweep 30,000 ugly people under the carpet can we?"
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