Monday, 11 July 2011

Google+ crap

Ever dreamt of a platform that enables you to share photos, videos and comments with all your friends in an online web space?

Well you’re in luck!

The boffins down at Google HQ have been busying themselves with the launch of such a platform called ‘Google+’. A truly innovative social media tool that facilitates a whole new means of interaction between you and your peers across the globe.

Oh no wait…

Isn’t that Facebook?

Yes, the geniuses down at Google have created something which is sure to be hailed as a revolution in social networking… by the 12 people who join it.

I have to admit that I am one of the 12. Mainly because everyone at my work is trendy and I would be soooo out of the loop if I didn’t.  But so far, I’m thoroughly underwhelmed.

Where they seem to have particularly missed the mark is by not providing any means to stalk people. I’m not a massive stalker but it’s nice to know that I can. With Google+, you can only follow your ‘friends’ and no offence but that’s boring. I can see my ‘friends’ in real life so where’s the fun?

Sorry, I realise I keep putting ‘friends’ in inverted commas. I can’t help it. It’s my tourettes.

Sure, you can split your ‘friends’ up into groups (sorry, ‘circles’) like ‘family’, ‘colleagues’ etc etc blah blah blah boring. But if that is the only difference then where’s the incentive? You can create groups on Facebook. Granted it may not be the most intuitive system in the world but it’s certainly not bad enough for me to consider switching entirely. And that’s where I think they’re going to struggle. It may be slightly better than Facebook at certain things (which it should be after 7 years!) but it’s not better enough. It’s a slight improvement but simply not worth the hassle.

Maybe I’m not the target audience for this tool (surely not!) Maybe some people want a social networking profile but don’t like Farmville? Again, I refuse to believe this. Maybe they’ll succeed by encouraging people who don’t already have a Facebook account to get involved in social networking. I guess that’s a good thing but who cares?

Perhaps I’ll eat my words in a few months when Google+ becomes the next big thing.
Stranger things have happened. If it does, please don’t put me in your ‘Dickheads’ circle. I’ve been in one of those before and it wasn’t great. Officially it was called Wallington County Grammar School but you get the point.

P.S I didn’t win the Euromillions. So annoying!

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